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September 11, 2001 — Why Now?
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September 11, 2001

Approximately 3,000 people died and the individual most responsible is still at large – why?

In the intervening four years we have spent hundreds of billions of dollars, trampled on peoples rights, created huge new structures, and can’t respond as well as the third world to a natural disaster.

In November of 2004 people assumed they had elected a “strong leader” – where is he?

We don’t need more people to act like they care by talking to victims; we need people with the leadership that would have prevented many of those people from becoming victims.

After the September 11th attack we were told that nothing could have been done because the information wasn’t specific enough. This time the information couldn’t have been more specific or more accurate, and they still failed to provide protection for the American people.

With our nation’s flags at half-staff in mourning for the lives lost in this disaster, the Pentagon is holding a march and a concert in the nation’s capitol. As Joseph Welch said to Senator Joseph McCarthy: “Have You No Sense of Decency?”