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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Tai Ringo

Friday Cat Blogging

I’m practicing. No pictures.

[Editor: Ringo attempts another of Sox’s sleeping positions, but is unsure what to do with her tail.

Update: It’s apparently genetic with gray [blue] cats in response to red chairs.

Friday Ark


1 Steve Bates { 06.30.06 at 12:21 am }

Tail included, Ringo does a pretty good job of occupying the whole chair. I’d say she’s a quick study, and creative enough to add her own variation to Sox’s already effective technique.

No pictures, eh? Well, open or closed rehearsals have always been at the discretion of the performers…

2 Modulator { 06.30.06 at 12:47 am }

Friday Ark #93…

We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….? We will add yo…

3 Karen { 06.30.06 at 10:28 am }

Hmmm — a 90 degree rotation clock-wise of this photo, and it might look like she was *begging* for more pictures!


4 andante { 06.30.06 at 12:10 pm }

I had the same thought, Karen – rotate that shot 90 degrees, and Ringo is ready to launch into orbit.

5 Bryan { 06.30.06 at 1:03 pm }

Prior to this photo she had spent a good deal of time launching herself through the house with one of her patented cat fits. She didn’t even move when the flash went off.

6 The CultureGhost { 06.30.06 at 5:05 pm }

That’s a lot of tail to do something with….

7 Bryan { 06.30.06 at 11:38 pm }

The added link, CG, is to Atrios and his “blue” taking the same pose. The tail looks to be about half as long as Ringo’s.

8 oldwhitelady { 07.01.06 at 6:41 am }

Note to self: get red chair for new cat:)

As always, Ringo looks beautiful. She also looks tired.

9 Bryan { 07.01.06 at 12:23 pm }

OWL, she should look tired, I got tired watching her leap around from table to chair, to the top of window sills.

Oh, I think a slip cover will do, and if Grey Feather is a long hair, it will be much easier to keep clean.