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KO Special Comment — Why Now?
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KO Special Comment

Keith Olbermann on Countdown, a Special Comment: Bush just playing us with ‘troop withdrawal’.

It is possible that Keith is a bit annoyed. He conjugates the verb “to lie” and says things like “resignation” and “impeachment.” One might deduce that he is upset with the Shrubbery.

Go. Read. [also available as video.]


1 hipparchia { 09.05.07 at 12:28 am }

whew! just a tad steamed, isn’t he?

2 Bryan { 09.05.07 at 12:46 am }

After you have been through this a half dozen times, it really begins to tick you off. They are just so damned blatant about it.

3 hipparchia { 09.05.07 at 1:01 am }

i’m not nearly so angry with the lying liars [that was some nice conjugation ko did] — scorpions can’t help but be scorpions — as i am with the impeachemnt is off the table idiots.

4 Bryan { 09.05.07 at 10:29 am }

The current leadership thinks that you can return to the days of Congress before Newt, and it isn’t going to happen. You can’t reason with the Shrubbery.

5 whig { 09.05.07 at 2:15 pm }

I know how to do it.

Say “Ni!” really loudly. They hate that. Then tell them we want a Shrubbery.

6 Bryan { 09.05.07 at 3:20 pm }

We once had decent television with real satire in prime time, now we have “fantasy reality” shows. I know [oh, how I know] that the Holy Grail was a movie, that was unfortunately was released on tape and then DVD so my niece could watch it again and again and again.

I love it, but not that often in that short of a time.

7 Steve Bates { 09.05.07 at 5:13 pm }

“I love it, but not that often in that short of a time.”

That’s how I feel about the musical Evita. Someday I’ll tell the sorry story. Suffice it to say that in one summer in about 1978 I heard that soundtrack twice a day for two months… involuntarily.

8 Steve Bates { 09.05.07 at 5:14 pm }

Oops; I forgot what I really meant to say. Olbermann is getting seriously angry, isn’t he? I wonder if he will be summarily banned from making commentaries, or if his rants are just too profitable for MSNBC. I was worried when I heard they had him sportscasting again.

9 Bryan { 09.05.07 at 5:25 pm }

But they featured Countdown when he returned to sports. He is MSNBC’s ratings king with the right demographics for advertisers, so it would be too expensive to lose his show.

He angry that we are being lied to and that a lot of the media don’t seem to notice or care.

10 Badtux { 09.05.07 at 5:57 pm }

Olbermann is definitely headed into stroke territory. But when you are dealing with people who seriously propose that torture is an American value, what else is there?

11 Bryan { 09.05.07 at 8:31 pm }

I don’t blame him. Listening to the talking heads totally missing what is going on and acting like the Shrubbery isn’t just being a jerk again eats at your insides, and anger is one way of releasing the pressure.

He might want to wear a blood pressure cuff from now on, just in case.

12 Cookie Jill { 09.05.07 at 11:08 pm }

I wonder what his blood pressure is ranging right now. I know mine’s up there. I’m so pissed off a Commander Cookoo Bananas…but I’m even more so at the Corporate Media Slugs that just don’t get it. They haven’t a freakin’ clue.

Maybe Keith O’s answering the question…”where’s the outrage”. It’s on MSNBC at 9:00 p.m. in Santa Barbarian time.

13 Bryan { 09.05.07 at 11:27 pm }

I may have to start calling him Jeremiah.

14 Steve Bates { 09.06.07 at 3:00 am }

With anyone else, I’d be annoyed at their adopting Edward R. Murrow’s sign-off. With Olbermann, not only does he deliver it well, it fits him, and he’s earning the mantle.

15 Bryan { 09.06.07 at 10:16 am }

Well, the mantle was just hanging around getting dusty since Watergate. The current media is just pathetic.