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And Now, For Something Completely Different — Why Now?
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And Now, For Something Completely Different

Jams of Poor Mouth has a post on an unusual reaction to the situation in Burma. I make no claims regarding the efficacy of such action, but if you are interested:

Embassy of the Union of Myanmar
2300 S Street, NW
Washington DC 20008

Homeland Security will probably get a little squirrely over this, but they need to learn how to use ‘Net search engines.


1 jams o donnell { 10.22.07 at 4:49 pm }

I doubt it will have the junta running scared but it is a pretty surreal form of protest. It wouldn’t surprise me if had been devised by Cleese, Palin, Jones and Idle

2 Bryan { 10.22.07 at 8:03 pm }

It does sound rather Pythonesque, but it could well be true, because they moved the whole damn capital city based on advice from a soothsayer of one sort or another. It’s not bad enough they are brutal military thugs, but they are whackos in the bargain.