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This Was Just Wrong — Why Now?
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This Was Just Wrong

Bringiton at Corrente discusses a recent incident involving a 75-year-old woman an Comcast cable system.

The woman was plainly wrong. Just look at the accompanying picture. She used a 16-ounce curved claw hammer, probably a Plumb model 11406 from the handle, and that was simply wrong. She should have used a 16-ounce ball peen hammer like the Plumb model 11426. I know some of you are thinking that a 32-ounce double-faced engineer’s hammer was the proper choice, but she is 75, and that would be too much hammer for the job.

Remember, when your purpose is to convince a customer service organization about your seriousness in pursuing service, a demonstration of knowledge and competence is important in the presentation of your complaint.


1 Badtux { 10.21.07 at 8:43 pm }

Y’know, a $345 fine plus three months probation is a small price to pay for that sort of satisfaction. Alas, I think you have to be a 75 year old woman to get that kind of treatment. Someone younger would have ended up tasered to a fare-thee-well and spent a couple of weeks in jail. So I’ll just resist the urge to take a hammer to the local Comcast office… the local jail simply doesn’t have the proper facilities to keep a penguin properly refrigerated, y’know?

2 Bryan { 10.21.07 at 9:15 pm }

But I have confidence that you would have used the proper tool for the job.

I would have asked for a jury trial. How likely is it that you can find six people in a jury pool that don’t have a complaint about the cable company?

3 Steve Bates { 10.21.07 at 9:23 pm }

When all you’ve got is a Plumb model 11406 claw hammer, all of your problems begin to look a lot like computer keyboards, monitors and telephones.

(Thanks to the song link from that post, now I have PP&M’s famous rendition of Pete Seeger’s famous tune as an earworm. That’s going to be difficult to shake!)

4 hipparchia { 10.21.07 at 9:32 pm }

no, no, no. mona was right to use the claw hammer. it’s a more impressive hammer visually, and visual impact, as well as physical impact, counts in the selection of the proper tool for this job.

5 Bryan { 10.21.07 at 10:17 pm }

Claw hammers are the most abused tool in the box. They are a specialty tool and using them on anything except nails or wood requires face resurfacing and not many people know how to do that properly, ending up with a face that slips.

If you you want visual presentation you might go to a brick hammer, but not a claw hammer. It’s totally inappropriate.

6 whig { 10.22.07 at 12:22 am }

I always figure whatever tool gets the job done is the right one, and this seems just fine.

7 whig { 10.22.07 at 12:23 am }

Like, what if all she had was the claw hammer? Should she go to the hardware store?

8 hipparchia { 10.22.07 at 12:37 am }

yeah, like everybody’s got a pterodactyl [f]lying around the house. i do like the look, though.

9 Bryan { 10.22.07 at 1:10 am }

Of course you go to the hardware store, Whig. If you don’t you will be plagued by Home Depots and Lowes being built in your neighborhood. You would be required to buy tools from people who think you only need a single type of nail set, or don’t know the difference between a try square and a T-square. In no time you would be putting up bookcases that weren’t plumb or level.

Actually, Hipparchia, the roofer’s hatchet [needed for installing shake shingle roofs] would be more impressive, but it is a hatchet and the police would probably taser you over than one.