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Note of Caution — Why Now?
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Note of Caution

People forget that New Orleans “dodged the bullet” with Katrina, the levees didn’t start failing until after the storm had passed to the East. It will be this afternoon before anything definitive is known about the surge, because the water is moving at a different rate.

It’s 9:25AM CDT and I’m about 200 miles to the East of New Orleans. The edge of the storm just moved to the West, and an odd phenomenon that I believe is called “the sun” has appeared. The winds are gusty, but the clouds are moving to the West.

Update: I spoke too soon. Just after Noon local a tornado was reported just East of me on Eglin Air Force Base. The Tornado Watch is scheduled to continue until 4PM local [CDT].


1 John B. { 09.01.08 at 10:58 am }


Try proof-reading before you post, but it’s good to hear your phenomenal son came back. Have a good family values time!

2 Bryan { 09.01.08 at 11:45 am }

Give it a couple of hours, John, and you may experience the same thing. We have the trailing “string” of the storm over here at 86.6W.

It looks like you are between bands on the radar.

I hope this sucker doesn’t stall out.

3 hipparchia { 09.01.08 at 2:03 pm }

love the new header pic.

we lost electricity here about 7am, very windy and gusty, a steady roaring sound coming from the east, took the dog outside briefly and we all came in and went back to sleep.

woke up in time to fix lunch and find sunshine! some downed limbs, still very windy but without the background noise, and the electricity is back on.

but yeah, more clouds moving in, and it’s still going to be good tornado weather for a bit longer.

4 Jack K., the Grumpy Forester { 09.01.08 at 2:04 pm }

…thanks for the heads-up over at my place. I see the center of the 5-day track runs Hanna right over the top of Savannah right about at the time of the first-born’s arrival at SAV. Potential wobbling or not, I suspect her travel plans may change…

I also see we may be talking about Hurricane Ike here in the next couple of days. Be safe down there…

5 Bryan { 09.01.08 at 2:29 pm }

Yeah, Hipparchia, that outermost band breeds tornadoes like crazy. There have been waterspouts over the Gulf, but about noon they started to appearing over the land. I saw a reference to one in Gulf Breeze.

It’s finally starting to decline, so things should be better in the late afternoon, but the chainsaws have already started.

That thing just exploded, Jack. They issued a special advisory on it. There was no indication in 10AM discussion other than an approaching aircraft going to investigate. She may as well stay home as get stuck at the Atlanta airport, or wherever they divert her flight to.

6 Bryan { 09.01.08 at 2:57 pm }

Oh, Hipparchia, the map is from the 1995 season when we had the Erin-Opal two-for.

7 hipparchia { 09.01.08 at 10:37 pm }

that was a fun year. i had recently moved back here from orlando at the time. the map brings back memories, even without knowing which year it’s from.

8 Bryan { 09.01.08 at 11:09 pm }

Ah, define “fun”.

I remember a lot of time with a chainsaw after Erin.

9 hipparchia { 09.02.08 at 2:46 am }

fun: frederic, erin, opal, georges, ivan

/ 😈