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The Media Just Sucks — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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The Media Just Sucks

The aftermath of Hurricane Ike on the Gulf Coast, the flooding in the Midwest, the meltdown on Wall Street, two wars in progress, a Presidential campaign…so what was the lead story on CNN at noon – some old football player is on trial.

Who in hell cares about that? Why would anyone put that on their “front page”?


1 Frederick { 09.15.08 at 5:35 pm }

What takes ones mind off troubles like a good O.J./Michael Jackson/Britney story. Nothing to see here public, move along.

2 Bryan { 09.15.08 at 6:56 pm }

You have to wonder what planet they live on, although it is possible that the Large Hadron Collider opened a portal to a parallel universe and the media are beaming from there…no, they just suck.