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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

It Moves!!

Friday Cat Blogging

I need coffee, maybe?

[Editor: Sleepy does do things other than sleep, just not very energetically until the sun is down.]

Friday Ark


1 cookie jill { 06.25.10 at 12:45 am }

Kinda like me! 🙂

2 jams O'Donnell { 06.25.10 at 3:25 am }

Get me a full fat, treble caff with seven sugars…. in a bucket, NOW!

What a little cutie!

3 srp { 06.25.10 at 8:54 am }

I remember the kitten times…. so tiring and so much fun to sleep… ok… so it is still fun to sleep… actually, it is always fun to sleep…… Willow

4 Moi;) { 06.25.10 at 9:33 am }

How cute! Is he vicious? Or can you catch him/tame him?

5 Badtux { 06.25.10 at 9:50 am }

Given those wide eyes, looks like he just took a shot of double-expresso…

6 Bryan { 06.25.10 at 2:23 pm }

Sleepy is attempting to focus, having just staggered up, and is trying to remember that stretching comes next. The eyes are open, but the brain is still searching for the link to the vision center.

Moi, I am well away from this kitten as 10 feet, even when I’m putting out food, is as close as I can get. I am one of the few things that causes Sleepy to move when the Sun is out.

At night Sleepy is a gray and white rocket, but during the day more of a rock.

7 oldwhitelady { 06.27.10 at 11:20 pm }

It looks like Sleepy is thinking about sleep. Sleepy sure is a cutie.

8 Bryan { 06.28.10 at 8:28 pm }

It’s almost time to eat, so Sleepy has to wake up or Pita will eat everything. All of the KTs are cute… and psychos.