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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

New Camera

Friday Cat Blogging

Where’s the flash?

[Editor: Excise is wondering why there was no blinding light, and the reason is that I have made the mostly unjustified acquisition of a Nikon S9100 that doesn’t need to use the flash as often as my former camera.

Friday Ark


1 jams o donnell { 12.16.11 at 7:16 am }

Now that 9n one devastatingly handsome fellow!

One day I hope to make the unjustified purchase of a D3!

2 Bryan { 12.16.11 at 4:17 pm }

He needs to be, Jams, because he is not especially bright or talented in any other way. His sister cons him all the time, and I have to go get him out the latest mess she has suckered him into [shut in a drawer, stuck behind the refrigerator, stuck under a stool] because she’s a bit smaller than he is, and much more agile.

3 oldwhitelady { 12.16.11 at 6:46 pm }

Aw, what a cute kitty. I had to laugh after reading your comment about his sister conning him into getting into trouble. What a funny kitty.

4 Steve Bates { 12.16.11 at 10:15 pm }

Lovely coloration… he certainly doesn’t look like a post; it’s too bad he’s dumb as one.

5 hipparchia { 12.16.11 at 10:16 pm }

the cat with formerly-evil eyes now has a golden aura.

christopher houdini is the sweetest of sweetie-pies, and has that exact same look, and like excise, he’s neither especially bright nor especially agile and coordinated. his formerly-inaudible purr is getting much louder though. probably he’ll never come anywhere near froggy’s output, but i can tell he’s been practicing.

6 Bryan { 12.16.11 at 11:36 pm }

He is being highlighted by a window on his right side, and is a bit darker in normal light.

He is lovable, even when he leaps on the bed in middle of the night and lands in your stomach. I hate yelling at him because he is the only one who actually cares when I do. The others ignore me unless I have a spray bottle.

He can make more sound than his sister, but not a whole lot more unless Sox starts him off, and he responds with a normal, if quiet meow.

Yes, he’s a klutz, but a good-natured klutz, so I try not to get upset with him.