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Marcy Wheeler wonders about Zero’s ‘stubbornness’ in the pursuit of Edward Snowden, but I feel that this White House blew by ‘stubbornness’ years ago and is in the deep end of the ‘obsessiveness’ pool.

I seriously doubt he has a ‘doomsday’ file stuffed away somewhere that will reveal all kinds of nasty things if he doesn’t check on it occasionally, but I wouldn’t bet US national security on it, unless I knew exactly what he accessed while he was at both the CIA and NSA. The CIA stuff is very likely to be nastier than anything he was doing at NSA, so I’m sure that someone at the CIA has been looking at the logs that they have naturally preserved against such a problem … eh, right?

On another site it was noted that the Ecuadoran foreign minister was in Hanoi for discussions while Snowden was in Hong Kong, so if Ecuador was inclined to give him asylum, he may already have the necessary travel documents.

Not for nothing, but Hong Kong is a rather major seaport, and people can still book passage on ships. While everyone is checking airports, Mr Snowden could be on a freighter headed to South America. With the necessary travel documents, it wouldn’t be difficult to reach Ecuador.