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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Mini-Sox’s Milieu

Friday Cat Blogging

Nom, nom, nom, nom…

[Editor: Mini-Sox doing what she does best – eating. She doesn’t want it on the plate, she wants in that place on the concrete step.]

Friday Ark


1 hipparchia { 03.15.14 at 8:49 pm }

some of mine do this. the fluffy black dog always did, and I’ve wondered if they learned it from him, or if they would have done so anyway.

2 Bryan { 03.15.14 at 10:40 pm }

It may be that she has adopted that spot as her place, and won’t give it up. With cats who can say for sure.

3 hipparchia { 03.16.14 at 12:13 pm }

With cats who can say for sure.

that’s the truth.

It may be that she has adopted that spot as her place

that does bring to mind the image of a restaurant full of people going to the buffet, getting a plate of food, and taking that back to their own table to eat.

4 Bryan { 03.16.14 at 10:55 pm }

It’s possible that was the place she ate as kitten, and the only place she wasn’t pushed away from by other cats at dinner time. The next step down is where the plate goes, and I may have put some on that spot to ensure she would get a meal as the bigger cats cleaned the plate.