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Primary Election Today — Why Now?
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Primary Election Today

Voting Sticker

The polls close at 7PM CDT on the Panhandle, so it you haven’t voted yet, go do it.

There were actually two other people voting when I did, which is unusual for any election, but especially a primary election at my polling location.


1 Badtux { 08.27.14 at 2:23 am }

So, are you looking forward to voting for Charlie Crist for governor again?

Talk about your batsh*t insane elections coming up. You have a traditional non-insane Republican vs an insane Republican, except that because the Republican party has driven out its non-insane politicians, the non-insane Republican is running as a Democrat. WTF? I thought the whacky tobaccky was what we were smoking over here on the Left Coast, must be somethin’ way stronger in the water or the air there in Florida, that’s the only explanation I have for it!

2 Bryan { 08.27.14 at 10:36 am }

There will probably be a Green candidate I can vote for, just like I voted for the Green candidate for President. I don’t vote for Republicans, no matter what is printed next to their name on the ballot.