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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day — Why Now?
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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day

Éireann go Brách!

Irish Flag


Well everyone agrees that he died on March 17th, but the year is subject to debate. This is his feast day on the Catholic calendar. Enjoy as you are wont.

Wikipedia has more on Saint Patrick’s Day, if you need more.


1 Shirt { 03.17.15 at 2:17 pm }

Couldn’t the Irish do better other than choosing an Englishman as their patron saint?

2 Bryan { 03.17.15 at 3:33 pm }

It is only the non-Irish who point that out, Shirt. The Church sucked them in by removing the prohibition against alcohol consumption on this one feast day.

3 shirt { 03.17.15 at 11:25 pm }

you’re not woofing me, are you? I’m not Irish but Dutch (Irish prototype) so at least your accurate on that point.

4 Bryan { 03.18.15 at 12:06 am }

I have a minimal amount of Irish from a great grandfather, but gained more around me by marriage, and they just don’t bring up where Patrick was born, and don’t appreciate it when others, like me, point it out. It isn’t as bad as pointing out to the French that Charlemagne was a Frank, a German, not French, but it’s close.