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Alberta Provincial Election — Why Now?
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Alberta Provincial Election

The Conservative Party has been the government in the Canadian province of Alberta for 44 years. When the election was called for yesterday, the Conservatives held 70 of the seats in the 87 seat parliament.

The polls kept indicating that the Conservatives were in trouble and the New Democratic Party might take power. None of the pundits accepted the polls, because it was unthinkable that the Conservatives wouldn’t win.

Today the Conservatives have 10 seats in the new parliament and the NDP have 53, the Conservatives were crushed.

This is not good news for Stephen Harper who is getting ready for the national elections in Canada.

Meanwhile, the UK is voting tomorrow, and there will certainly be another coalition government because no party can command a majority of voters. There is a lot of ink being wasted on speculation that the Scottish National Party may be the party that decides who will be the next the Prime Minister.


1 Badtux { 05.09.15 at 12:11 am }

So the UK voted, and despite the polls the good guys lost. Hmph. We’ll have to see what happens with Harper, having his heartland turn NDP can’t be reassuring to him!

2 Bryan { 05.09.15 at 4:17 pm }

The pollsters admit they blew it, but they don’t know why. My guess is that Labour followed the lead of the Democrats and became ‘Conservative-Lite’, so their voters stayed home or voted for smaller parties.

Yes, Harper has a definite problem without Alberta.