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Coincidence? — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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The FBI and BATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms] are investigating a series of fires at black churches in late June. Some, but not all, of the fires have been declared arson. The last church in South Carolina was burned down by the KKK 20 years ago and rebuilt.

People keep getting bitten by sharks on the North Carolina coast. Just a hint – if you are in warm water and you see schools of small fish swimming quickly in the area, get out of the water. The so-called ‘bait fish’ are trying to avoid the shark that’s chasing them, and hungry sharks just swim and bite everything in their path. Near shore, it is probably bull sharks, especially in bays and sounds. They don’t usually swallow, but they will bite off bits of people. Local authorities could post the beaches, but they are tourist areas, and the tourists come to swim. Just like a certain movie the authorities don’t want close the beaches on the Fourth of July weekend … [Da dum da dum da dum …]


1 ellroon { 07.02.15 at 2:40 pm }

I think I will stay over here on this sand dune…..

2 Bryan { 07.02.15 at 3:59 pm }

Good move. I stay out of the water, especially brackish water, when it gets really warm because the bait fish come in near shore and the sharks follow them. If they would post local fishermen in towers watching the water they could warn tourists, but local officials don’t want to raise concerns.

3 NTodd { 07.02.15 at 7:05 pm }

So the sharks are burning down churches?

4 Bryan { 07.02.15 at 8:51 pm }

The life forms that attack churches are not as smart as a shark, and lack a shark’s social skills.