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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

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Cat Blogging

Walk around!

[Editor: When Ninja does it, the path is definitely blocked.]

Friday Ark


1 Badtux { 07.06.15 at 2:07 am }

I take it that Ninja is quite large? At least he looks large in this picture!

2 Bryan { 07.06.15 at 1:45 pm }

He has lost some weight in his old age, but he is still the largest cat in the neighborhood.

3 Badtux { 07.09.15 at 1:36 am }

So he used to be a sumo ninja, then? 😉

4 Bryan { 07.09.15 at 9:05 pm }

Not to take away from a great bit of wit, but the extra weight only slightly reduced the height of his weird style of stiff-legged leaps that are the reason he was named Ninja.