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2015 July 18 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Weekend Update


The good news is the New Horizon mission to the outer edge of the solar system.

Proving that some people have less than no class, we have people waving Confederate flags greeting President Barack Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma. You would think that they would stay invisible after the bombing of the Federal building in Oklahoma City and the murders in South Carolina, but you can’t stop bigots from displaying their ignorance.

Just as soon as they identified the shooter in Tennessee as Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, you knew this was going to be classed as ‘terrorism’. Heaven forfend that anyone notices that in this individual’s high school yearbook he notes the discrimination he is facing because of his name, and thinks this might be considered a reason for him not to feel thrilled about the US.

July 18, 2015   4 Comments