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Murphy’s Law — Why Now?
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Murphy’s Law

There is a version of Murphy’s Law that goes: Nothing can be made foolproof – fools are just too ingenious.

This ability is measured on the Drumpf Scale, which begins at infinity times the square root of -1 [∞i] and goes up to 0. A politician who has three children, but only one of the three is registered to vote has to be on the lower end of the scale.

You have to check out this story to see the mayor of Geelong in the state of Victoria in Australia. Kind of a cross between Mad Max and Hello Kitty…


1 Kryten42 { 04.14.16 at 3:27 pm }

Ummm… Yeah. LOL Well, local politics as usual! 😀 If anyone asked me, and the won’t, just about all council officers should be thrown in jail. I’ve never met an honest Mayor & Councillor anywhere, in any Country! Though, to be fair… Not all are actually corrupt. Some are just stupid & incompetent! But if we started tossing politicians into prison for that… There wouldn’t be enough left in the World to run a small country.

2 Bryan { 04.14.16 at 9:18 pm }

Let’s be honest, Kryten, we both would have voted for him, just for the hell of it. 😆

When the Repubs talk about returning power to local governments I want to stand up and scream that local governments are only marginally capable of dealing with routine local problems, and you expect them to solve anything more that providing minimal local services?! I’m thrilled when the town council can manage to start the meetings on the right day at the right time.

3 Kryten42 { 04.15.16 at 3:51 am }

Yeah. Roger that!

I went to a council meeting that was voting on something that affected me at the time, so I was granted approval to attend to voice my concerns. It’s not that I expected to have any of my concerns considered, I just wanted them on the official record. 🙂 Anyway, the meeting started late. The charwoman announced the meeting and agenda, then said something like “OK. Who’s first?” I said “Excuse me Madam Chair, but aren’t the minutes from the previous meeting supposed to be read and accepted, or not? and also the attendance for this meeting, any absentees, apologies and so on?” She even looked surprised that I called her by her correct title, she’d obviously not heard it before! Then I said “And please excuse me again, but who is recording the official minutes?” As there was no stenographer present.

It wen’t downhill from there. 😐

I knew the rules governing official meetings, having been a Director. And ASIC take them quite seriously!

I didn’t say I wouldn’t have voted for the pink hairdo… I don’t even think he’s a crook. Just incompetent. IMHO That’s about the best one can expect for a Politician! 😉

4 Bryan { 04.15.16 at 8:53 pm }

I can’t believe that they think an appointed official is going to be better, hell most of the current problems in Michigan are the result of decisions made by appointed officials who replace elected leaders. If the local government isn’t working call an election.