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The Democrats Lose Another One — Why Now?
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The Democrats Lose Another One

Paul Hackett announced his withdrawal from politics. Inside the Beltway Dems wanted him to run for Congress after he had been on the hunt for a Senate seat for a while. The Party establishment doesn’t want a primary battle in Ohio.

A hint for the Party establishment, the voters want a change. Running old faces is not going to cut it. Incumbents are in trouble if you look at the polls. This is going to be a “throw the bums out” election. Having new people challenge incumbents is the safest bet, because people think everyone in Congress is corrupt.

Hackett may not have won the primary, but he deserved a chance. People are getting sick of politics as usual, with insiders making all of the decisions.

I guess I’ve got to change back to being an independent because the Party just doesn’t want to take a chance on winning, and I can’t support the people they have running in Florida.

It’s past time for Democrats to stand for something and stop “triangulating”.