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Nice Headline

From the BBC: Bush ‘ordered intelligence leak’.

The Libby revelation should put an end to people claiming that the Shrubbery is concerned with national security when it comes to leaks, and make plain that politically based leaks are a problem that originated with this White House.

These people use classification to silence their critics and de-classification to attack them. They could not care less about national security. Corruption, cronyism, and incompetence – the guiding principles of the Shrubbery.


1 Mustang Bobby { 04.07.06 at 11:23 am }

Come on over to my place and tell my buddy “Luke” about that. He’s saying Joe Wilson was an “admitted liar,” so it’s okay to leak to rat him out. Have fun.

2 Bryan { 04.07.06 at 12:10 pm }

Roger, that.

3 oldwhitelady { 04.08.06 at 8:29 pm }

Ha ha ha! Thanks for pointing that out. It puts in mind, Shrub, with the intelligence he might have once had, leaking out of his head, to become what we see today.

4 Bryan { 04.08.06 at 9:29 pm }

OWL these guys don’t understand why certain things are classified and others are not. They just don’t think through the consequences of their actions.