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An Outrage — Why Now?
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An Outrage

Via Watertiger [a nice person, but she should review her use of the word, Cracker, as Chambliss doesn’t make the cut] we arrive at Raw Story on Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia)

According to Roll Call‘s source, Chambliss said, “We need better intelligence. If we had better intelligence in the Civil War we’d be quoting Jefferson Davis, not Lincoln.”

A spokesperson for Chambliss said the story wasn’t correct and that what the Senator actually said said was, “If Gen. JEB Stuart had had better intelligence, we’d all be meeting in Richmond right now.”

How can a Senator from a Southern state makes such egregious errors? How can he blacken the memory of Major General James Ewell Brown Stuart, CSA? How can he call Lincoln’s Invasion [The War Between the States is acceptable if there are Yankees present], the Civil War?

Even the Department of Justice on page 16 of its 01/19/2006 report, Legal Authorities Supporting The Activities Of The National Security Agency Described By The President [PDF] noted the ability of the Confederate military:

Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart even “had his own personal wiretapper travel along with him in the field” to intercept military telegraphic communications. Samuel Dash, et al., The Eavesdroppers 23 (1971); see also O’Toole, supra, at 121, 385-88, 496-98 (discussing Civil War surveillance methods such as wiretaps, reconnaissance balloons, semaphore interception, and cryptanalysis).

It may be time to rethink the position of Georgia during the period 1861-65, as Sherman seemed to meet little resistance in his stroll across the state. Do we really know that the stories about damage weren’t insurance fraud?


1 John McKay { 09.20.06 at 3:02 pm }

I love the fact that the Bush Department of Justice thinks bringing up the precedent of a rebellious general committing treason against the United States is an argument in favor of their program.

2 Bryan { 09.20.06 at 5:02 pm }

I swear that I thought it had to be a joke when someone [Steve Bates?] mentioned it back when the report came out, but sure enough it’s in there.