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Squirrel Watch — Why Now?
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Squirrel Watch

Ellroon Rants from the Rookery of has picked some assistance from Susie of Suburban Guerrilla in watching the evil rodents with a link to a story on their research efforts: Squirrels Outwit Trees*.

I’m highly skeptical of reports of Sqrats.

[* – This should not be confused with outwitting the Shrubbery.]


1 ellroon { 01.01.07 at 10:11 am }

They’re after us, I tells ya! Gotta get more proof, but they’re watching me…..

2 Bryan { 01.01.07 at 11:00 am }

Like Republicans they are easily distracted with bribes – try a handful of sunflower seeds.

3 Anya { 01.02.07 at 6:40 am }

Peanuts work really well, too. 🙂

4 Bryan { 01.02.07 at 11:49 am }

I get a feeling that you are not quite as negative about the impact of the squirrel problem as some of the rest of us, Anya.

5 Anya { 01.02.07 at 8:15 pm }

Well, so far I haven’t been karate chopped by a secret ninja squirrel, although I’m sure they’re going to be up here making rude faces at the in-again-out-again kitty.

However, if I get in good with ’em, I’ll have my own private army.

6 Bryan { 01.02.07 at 9:25 pm }

I saw that your visitor returned.

Don’t trust them. They will promise anything for a peanut, but watch your back if they see the bag inside the house.

7 Anya { 01.03.07 at 8:05 am }

My first squirrel-queen, Digger, spotted peanuts just inside the door one summer day, and attempted to chew through the screen to get at them. Now, I store my peanuts in a Tupperware container, and I’m careful to keep it out of view at the other end of the apartment.

8 Bryan { 01.03.07 at 10:20 pm }

They are crafty and determined beasties who will go to amazing lengths to raid a bird feeder, even as they are surrounded by pecans, oaks and pines that would keep them supplied with a much higher quality of food.