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Comments on: Ignorant, Mean-Spirited Jerks https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/ On-line Opinion Magazine...OK, it's a blog Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:42:12 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 By: Anntichrist S. Coulter https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/comment-page-1/#comment-25334 Tue, 10 Apr 2007 03:42:12 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/#comment-25334 Ahhh, but don’t forget — those “scarcity” hype-scares that drive the gas prices through the roof at every single little diplomatic/weather event/”accidental spill” — are UTTER BULLSHIT. They jack up the prices BECAUSE THEY CAN. They reduced production BECAUSE THEY CAN. They cap-off producing wells BECAUSE THEY CAN. They import oil that could be produced in THIS country, NOT on wildlife preserves or in old-growth forests, BECAUSE THEY CAN.

90% of the gas price hikes over the past 28 years have been ARTIFICIAL, and yet NOBODY CALLS THEM ON IT. What in the fuck is the Federal Trade Commission FOR???!?!?! To bend over and say, “YAH-SUH!!!” whenever Biggus Dickus wants to have CLOSED DOOR “energy meetings” with NO RECORDS TAKEN WHATSOFUCKING EVER?!??! To fellate the corporations who are “outsourcing” American jobs to the point that skilled workers have to resort to McJobs to survive??? To make sure that the mergers of giant corporations (ExxonMobil, AT&T-Bellsouth, etc.) go as smoothly and as profitably as fucking POSSIBLE??? To make sure that those no-bid GSA & Defense Department contracts are NEVER OPENED TO PUBLIC VIEW BEFORE THE CHECKS ARE CUT?!??!?!

“Deregulation.” Capitalist-pig-speak for “FUCK YOU, GIMME ALL OF IT!”

Fuck if I don’t miss the hell out of Jimmy Carter and Tip O’Neal… *sigh* Fuck, compared to the corporate thugs who are destroying the planet, I miss HOFFA!!!!!!

(At least Hoffa got JOBS for the working class, even if they were blowing a few things up here and there.)

By: Bryan https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/comment-page-1/#comment-25314 Mon, 09 Apr 2007 04:06:22 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/#comment-25314 It’s real easy to have someone else do the fighting when you are comfortable at your keyboard. The thing that gets me is that these are the only people who seem to think someone won. The important thing is that no one lost. A couple of weeks in the brig is not exactly a new experience for most of the sailors I’ve known, and military jails are not country clubs.

The entire Iranian government had to return from their new year’s vacation, and can’t be very pleased about that. Ahmadinejad had to keep his mouth shut for a couple of weeks, which is always good. An Iranian diplomat was “discovered” and returned. The Red Cross got to see the five Iranian diplomats seized in Irbil. What in hell is supposed to be wrong that requires a war?

What could have been won by going to war? The British personnel would have been dead instantly; they had zero chance of survival! The price of gas would have doubled. Iraq would have exploded, as would have every other nation in the region. What was so damn important that people needed to die?

And while we are at it, what it hell business is it of Americans to tell the British how to run their affairs? We can’t run our own, and we think we have a right to tell other people how to run theirs?

By: Anntichrist S. Coulter https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/comment-page-1/#comment-25310 Mon, 09 Apr 2007 02:24:56 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/#comment-25310 These are the same people (the “haves,” if you will) who conscripted poor people to fight in their stead in the Civil War, the Spanish-American war, all the way up to WWI and, in much smaller numbers (because of a much more organized draft), WWII. As we have seen from Dumbya’s example, the “important” people had “other priorities” (Biggus Dickus and his FIVE DEFERRALS), and bought their dainty white asses out of Vietnam, while poor and minority men were sent in legions.

And this is one of the more vile things that I know about my alleged sperm donor (what normal people would call a “father’) is that he managed to knock my “mother” (The Fallen Uterus) up TWICE before he was 21, and her uncle just HAPPENED to be on the Greater Baton Rouge Area draft board. Coincidence or damned good blind luck? Go fucking figure. Same guy who says that women who get raped in the military “put themselves in a place they shouldn’t have been so they must’ve been prepared to get raped, surrounding themselves with aggressive men.”

Yes, I’ve attempted patricide, but never been able to make it stick.

At any rate — that’s the mentality, well, the dumbed-down redneck version of it — that allows Dumbya (and all of the other alcohol-poisoned frat boys who are running this country into the fucking DIRT nowadays) to expend the lives of “the others” (poor, non-connected, possibly minority, uneducated, hopeless, CANNON FODDER, who are worth LESS than the privileged simply by dint of their births) without so much as batting his empty, googly eyes. We are more along the lines of 3/5 of a human being to them, if that much. I guess that the chinese and central amercians and mexicans who die in their sweatshops are somewhere around TWO fifths.

We are the lesser species that must be their guardians, their servants, their pack-mules as they spread death, xenophobia, greed and hegemony over the face of the earth.

I figure that we are long-past due for a fucking revolt. There’s way the hell more poor people in this country than there are middle-class or rich — what’s taking so fucking long? The class warfare isn’t just a component of this fake war, it’s a driving force. The more poor motherfuckers that they murder NOW (having gotten their money’s worth on “training” them), the fewer motherfuckers who’ll need jobs, housing, healthcare, Social Security benefits, etc., later on down the road. Eugenics in modern capitalism. They’ll never be able to afford the luxury items that are at the top of the capitalist food chain, so what use are they? They can only consume the cheap plastic crap from the low-end Chinese sweat shops, so it’s not like they’re “contributing” enough to the country, as it is. They’re better off to have died “heroically” as cannon fodder while we sell Iraq to Halliburton and leave the rest of this country to the Chinese and Bechtel.

So, as long as the rich will always have their fingers in the draft-board lotteries, as long as THEY never had any need to sign-up for NG or full-service in an attempt to get an education and/or job training, then the military will be comprised almost entirely of working-class and poor motherfuckers who could never be a threat to the “haves” in matters of capitalist commerce. Ergo, who’s gonna miss ’em? Oh, right, the million-plus family members who have to bury them, after their corpses are brought home in aluminum cans in the dead of fucking night, with no president to acknowledge their sacrifice.

By: Steve Bates https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/comment-page-1/#comment-25304 Mon, 09 Apr 2007 01:31:17 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/#comment-25304 Where does the “let’s you an’ him fight” crowd come from, anyway?

All the males in my family prior to me, as well as some cousins of my generation, fought in combat, and not one of them was or is in a hurry to send anyone into a similar situation.

Who are these people, anyway? Let them sign on the line and serve in the hot spots… not that I wish that on anyone, but certainly those who advocate it for others should be willing to do that themselves.

By: Bryan https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/comment-page-1/#comment-25300 Mon, 09 Apr 2007 00:20:37 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/#comment-25300 More to the point, they what someone else to have a war. I once had to throw people like the war mongers in jail for starting bar fights over nothing, or attempting to kill a neighbor over leaves from a tree blowing into the wrong yard.

Until or unless you can resurrect the dead you should be damn careful before you start telling people to kill each other.

By: Scorpio https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/comment-page-1/#comment-25299 Sun, 08 Apr 2007 23:49:16 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/#comment-25299 the people who think that a war should be started over something like this are the kind of people who want a war no matter what pretext they use.

By: Bryan https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/comment-page-1/#comment-25289 Sun, 08 Apr 2007 14:27:14 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/#comment-25289 It’s amazing how many people think others should die for stupid reasons. If there had been a war – all out to the last man. This was a border dispute and the British military has lost enough people recently, there is no reason to lose more.

By: jams o donnell https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/comment-page-1/#comment-25281 Sun, 08 Apr 2007 08:42:29 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/04/07/ignorant-mean-spirited-jerks/#comment-25281 I’m glad this incident is over with no apology on our side and no harm to the captives. Not a bad result considering that the options available were pretty lousy.. oh and hearing the likes of John Bolton and rags like teh Daily Mail talking about humiliation gets my goat. What the hell did they think would solve the situation? an invasion of Iran? Idiots!
