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Passing the Plate — Why Now?
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Passing the Plate

Florida License Plates

Florida Plate Blogging


Standard Florida Plate

A weekend feature of Why Now.


1 Anya { 08.26.07 at 8:34 am }

Does the State of Florida provide funds from taxpayers (as I assume most Florida drivers are) to a sectarian Christian college to further their evangelical mission?

Constitutionally questionable, if you ask me.

2 hipparchia { 08.26.07 at 11:04 am }

i don’t like it either, anya, but my understanding is that you don’t “pay” an extra $20-ish [30? 50? i forget] for these special plates. in theory, that extra is really a donation you’re freely choosing to make, and the state is just acting as a convenient repository for you to leave your money where the beneficiaries can collect it later at their convenience.

i don’t have too much problem with that part of it, but displaying your support for these causes on on state-required plates does sort of imply that the state supports them. i hate that.

3 Bryan { 08.26.07 at 12:00 pm }

Believe me, the Clearwater plates are not nearly as objectionable as the “Choose Life” plate which are purchased by supporters of the terrorists who murder people and blow up medical clinics.

All of the original universities were founded to train clerics.

4 hipparchia { 08.26.07 at 4:15 pm }

i remember objecting to that particular one recently [and enjoying the result].

i thought the land grant colleges were founded to train farmers.

5 Bryan { 08.26.07 at 5:06 pm }

That wasn’t until after the Civil War, and many of them were started by “the faithful.”

I was thinking of antebellum colleges and universities.