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Comments on: Avoiding Responsibility https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/ On-line Opinion Magazine...OK, it's a blog Tue, 02 Oct 2007 17:50:47 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 By: Bryan https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/comment-page-1/#comment-30046 Tue, 02 Oct 2007 17:50:47 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/#comment-30046 The Post Office has gotten worse ever since these people came into office and encouraged everyone to run services like Enron. They have cut staff to the point that they are no longer providing a decent service. They don’t understand that mail delivery isn’t a product, it’s a service. You can’t make a profit delivering mail from any point in the US to any other point in the US for the same price. You have to use the profitable routes to pay for the unprofitable. That is a given, and that is why you can outsource the transportation of mail after it has been bundled, but collection and delivery are always going to lose money.

Security and law enforcement involve the power of the state, and that power should only be given to employees of the state.

By: Steve Bates https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/comment-page-1/#comment-30035 Tue, 02 Oct 2007 06:01:04 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/#comment-30035 “There are plenty of functions that can be outsourced, or consolidated, but security and law enforcement aren’t among them.” – Bryan

And… not to be impolite about it… how’s that privatized Post Office thingie working out? I know it’s not on the order of mercenary armies, but the GOPers (particularly the Bushists) seem determined to prove in every way possible that privatizing a lot of functions that are public for good reason (the military, for example) just introduces external motivations contrary to the public interest (read: obscene profits). When privatizing becomes a matter of religion, we find “religious” people like Erik Prince in charge of things of which they shouldn’t even be allowed to be in the same vicinity.

If any good can come out of this wretched series of episodes with Blackwater, it will be the reminder… actually acted upon… of the notion that some things simply cannot be privatized without detriment to the public good.

By: Bryan https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/comment-page-1/#comment-30031 Tue, 02 Oct 2007 03:22:18 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/#comment-30031 The next White House is going to have a monumental problem trying to hire competent people for the Federal government. So many jobs have been converted to political hires that the transition is going to be another disaster.

There are plenty of functions that can be outsourced, or consolidated, but security and law enforcement aren’t among them. Some things require qualified professionals and the government has little control over hiring and firing after a bid is awarded to a private firm.

Congress needs to act now or the problem is just going to get worse. These people haven’t hired adequate staff for any of the regulatory agencies and the lack of people shows. They had to be forced to hire people for the Border Patrol and the Immigration Service. It’s just pathetic.

All you can do is hope for the best, and expect the worst. At this point there isn’t much space between those two positions.

By: Alice https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/comment-page-1/#comment-30022 Tue, 02 Oct 2007 02:44:02 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/#comment-30022 Rather than deal with the responsibility of actually running a government, BushCo farms things out to third parties and then claims their hands are clean when the third party fails or fubars and that there is nothing they can do because said third party is private. Failure is irrelevant. This same old song has been played over and over for the last 5+ years and I don’t see it changing unless Congress starts living up to it’s responsibilities. So I guess I really don’t see it changing. It’s so frustrating.

By: Bryan https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/comment-page-1/#comment-30011 Mon, 01 Oct 2007 16:30:43 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/#comment-30011 Mercs are mercs. The government that hires them is responsible for what they do, and what they do is kill people.

By: whig https://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/comment-page-1/#comment-30004 Mon, 01 Oct 2007 05:50:06 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2007/10/01/avoiding-responsibility/#comment-30004 They are privateers operating without authorized letters of marque and reprisal. Pirates, in other words, enemies of the constitution.
