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Cat Travel News — Why Now?
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Cat Travel News

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It’s always a good idea to check inside your luggage if you have cats in the house.

TSA will cop your pudding, but they miss a cat in checked luggage? I have to believe that at some point the cat released a nitrogen compound with a major odor component that should have been picked up by sensors that are supposed to be checking baggage.

As for the mix up at the destination, the only airport where I ever saw any attempt to monitor baggage pick-up is San Diego’s Lindbergh Field. Everywhere else you can grab anything you want and walk off with it.


1 Cookie Jill { 01.23.08 at 10:41 pm }

I was down in Sandy Eggo for the Fancy Food Trade Show last weekend and was staying in the Little Italy area.

The planes “buzzing” the area and seemingly heading right toward the buildings was really a little unnerving.

I remember my step-dad (a pilot) voicing his concern and displeasure of ever having to fly down to the Sandy Eggo airport…he thought it was far too dangerous.

2 ellroon { 01.23.08 at 11:44 pm }

Apparently the meowing and moving about inside the suitcase could be ignored as well? Poor kitty. (And poor kitty in the pic. It certainly does NOT look pleased with the recent wet experience.)

3 Bryan { 01.24.08 at 12:15 am }

On final descent you are looking up at buildings as you land. My Dad compared it to bombing bridges in valleys in war time. It’s a lot like a combat assault landing in Southeast Asia. Amsterdam and Berlin are the only other airports I am familiar with that are quite as “interesting”.

That’s the other thing, ellroon, unless she was still a little mellow from her recent surgery.

4 Steve Bates { 01.24.08 at 12:36 am }

That pic is of one of the three wise guys, right?

I suspect that once the suitcase lid was closed, the cat was unable to move enough to be noticed from outside. Of course if (Dog forbid) it had been Stella’s cat Tabitha, she’d have been heard from one terminal to the next…

5 Steve Bates { 01.24.08 at 12:38 am }

OT, Jill, is “Sandy Eggo” a common quip? I cracked it first in 1996, thinking I was being so clever and original. (Sigh!)

6 Bryan { 01.24.08 at 3:49 pm }

I can’t imagine a cat that isn’t vocal enough to be heard, but the baggage handlers do wear ear protectors.

OT, Sandy Eggo is a very common slur from Orange County and north, with Sandy Ego a minor varient.

7 Cookie Jill { 01.24.08 at 9:08 pm }

I’ve called it Sandy Eggo for quite some time. I go down every summer to the region for my Del Mar play the ponies break.