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Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler! — Why Now?
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Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler!

Mardi Gras Weekend

The Pensacola News Journal has a schedule of local events.

There’s something political going on next Tuesday, apparently, which is par for the course in this screwed up year – having the most primaries scheduled on Shrove Tuesday.


1 hipparchia { 01.31.08 at 10:26 pm }

my krewe kould certainly kreate kaos at the kritter krawl.

2 Bryan { 01.31.08 at 10:36 pm }

If they were amenable to leashes it would certainly be a hoot.

The outside group would mug someone, so I discourage people attempting to be friendly. I don’t know how you convince people that wild means just that.

3 hipparchia { 02.01.08 at 2:21 am }

i’m not sure you can convince them. hard to reconcile the cute fluffy purring critter sitting in my lap with the hellions raiding the dumpsters outside.

the slate 6 are an especially amenable group, and they’d probably take leashes in stride, as some kind of carry-along cat toy, no doubt. they still think the dog is a big cat toy, and lord knows they’re used to being amongst a horde of cats, but they’re still a bit skittish about other people.

the dog and i might go, though he doesn’t approve of being costumed.