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Comments on: Temple to the Cult of the Shrubbery https://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/ On-line Opinion Magazine...OK, it's a blog Thu, 28 Feb 2008 18:16:57 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 By: Bryan https://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/comment-page-1/#comment-34649 Thu, 28 Feb 2008 18:16:57 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/#comment-34649 It’s the infusion of the Bowes-Lyon gene line, because the Hanover line was definitely corrupted by Prince Albert, the multiple hyphens showing that he was the product of many failed lines. A good dog breeder would have neutered him.

By: Kryten42 https://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/comment-page-1/#comment-34638 Thu, 28 Feb 2008 07:04:05 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/#comment-34638 When you think about that… it’s quite strange really! I mean… In all the long history of the Monarchy until the last Century, longevity was definitely NOT a word to be associated with a King or Queen of England! LOL Short and sharp were generally much more the norm (or short and poisonous)! 🙂

I wonder if William ever longs for the “Good ol’ days”? LOL I suppose that if he did, his ancestors would be proud. 😀

By: Bryan https://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/comment-page-1/#comment-34637 Thu, 28 Feb 2008 06:31:31 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/#comment-34637 Given the longevity of his family, he’d be lucky to inherit before he’s ready to retire. The only good thing for William is that Charles waited so long to marry, else he’d be of retirement age too.

By: Kryten42 https://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/comment-page-1/#comment-34634 Thu, 28 Feb 2008 05:48:50 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/#comment-34634 That’s amazing! How did you do that? LOL

I had a phone call from an ex-pat British friend living here now (he was ‘in the biz’ too, for the Brit’s) at about the same time you posted that comment! And he said almost exactly the same thing! Honest! . That’s freaky… LOL

Charley boy takes after his father and should learn (as his father has finally) the value of silence! And of course, the British public adored Princess Di (with all her flaws) and is not ready to forgive Charles for Camila yet (if ever!) So, you are correct I think. 🙂

The Brit’s see Di’s Sons as more worthy, and both (in spite of their sometimes youthful over-exuberance) as more worthy. 🙂

I’ll have to tell my Ex-UK friend that you and he seem to be on a similar wavelength! He’ll get a laugh out of that! (The reasons are a long story for another day!) LOL

Freaky… 😀

By: Bryan https://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/comment-page-1/#comment-34627 Thu, 28 Feb 2008 03:36:48 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/#comment-34627 The British monarch is one of the last surviving “neutral” referees in the world, basically because they are separated from the politics.

If I were Charles, I would abdicate almost immediately following the funeral and finally get around to living while I could. He has a hard time not commenting on things, and abdication would give him the freedom to say what he pleased.

By: Kryten42 https://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/comment-page-1/#comment-34617 Wed, 27 Feb 2008 23:33:06 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/#comment-34617 Again, very true. Sadly. Another irony is that if past British monarchs behaved as the current Queen Elizabeth II (and were even half as intelligent), they would probably still rule the UK and possibly the USA. 🙂 The Queen has been a real force in the World and is a true diplomat. She shows what ‘Regal’ means. Many people around the World have a real admiration and respect for the Queen. And I think she is really the last of the line now. I very much doubt that Charles will get the same admiration or respect. I think the World will mourn Queen Elizabeth’s passing (for the most part. I am sure others will breathe a sigh of relief. She’s no fool.) 😉

In the late 80’s, I was tasked with keeping an eye on Eastern Europe and the growing friction within NATO. Many people don’t realize how much influence Queen Elizabeth had on Gorbachev. Bush Snr. likes to grab credit for the Nuclear Arms reduction in Europe, but the fact is that it was Gorbachev (and Queen Elizabeth) who really began the process and all but sidelined the USA (as Bush Snr was seen as much too ‘passive’ on European affairs and only got involved when NATO commanders gave him an ‘or else!’ ultimatum. As with junior, Bushmoron Snr almost single-handedly scuttled the advances already made. As an example: Moscow had threatened to stop dismantling the SS-23 missiles if Washington proceeded with its plans to deploy new short-range missiles in West Germany in the mid-1990’s.

On Saturday the Pravda published an interview with Shevardnadze (the then Soviet Foreign Minister), withdrawing the threat to violate the treaty. But on Sunday, in Boston, Bush Snr made a scathing speech at Boston University about the issue – ‘apparently’ unaware that the Soviets had actually withdrawn the threat. The following Monday, a senior Soviet official met with a senior aide to Secretary of State James A. Baker to ask, essentially, why Mr. Bush was criticizing the Soviets when they had already withdrawn their threat. After that event, Bush Snr was ‘invited’ to lunch with Queen Elizabeth. By accounts, it was an interesting lunch! LOL

Lack of communication and intelligence delivery is not a recent phenomenon in the USA. 🙂 Of course, we will probably never know if Bush Snr (like his idiot offspring) did know and simply ignored it so he could grandstand. It could be a genetic trait. 🙂 ‘A bad seed does not fall far from the tree’! LOL

And the World turns…

By: Bryan https://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/comment-page-1/#comment-34616 Wed, 27 Feb 2008 22:38:00 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/#comment-34616 If it weren’t for American tourists, the Brits would probably dump the whole concept. It is a solid money maker for them, so I don’t see any changes in the near future.

At least they work at it, doing all the PR stuff and joining the military. The American version can’t get a hang of noblesse oblige, although they are really fond of the “entitlements”.

By: Kryten42 https://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/comment-page-1/#comment-34610 Wed, 27 Feb 2008 15:35:17 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/#comment-34610 ‘Decadent’ is the word that springs instantly to mind.

The British Monarchy these days is a very pale version of their past glory. The British people had enough of the excesses of ‘privilege’ and effectively sidelined the Monarchy. They still have to deal with the assorted Lords and Ladies, Dukes, etc. of the Peerage. It’s curious that the modern American Capitalist system has much in common with the old British Monarchy that the American forefathers despised so much. 🙂 I do so love irony! LOL Of course, the names and descriptions have been radically changed (to protect the guilty), and superficially they seem quite different. However, as my (British) mother would say… ‘The proof of the pudding is in the eating’! Heh… Mmmmmmm… puuuddding! Now I’m hungry. Drats!

By: Bryan https://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/comment-page-1/#comment-34544 Tue, 26 Feb 2008 18:42:34 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/#comment-34544 The underlying definition of “privilege” is “private law”. and that’s how it works out everywhere. They don’t have to obey the law or pay taxes. In the old days they were at least expected to fight in wars, but they dumped that requirement too.

It’s amazing to think that recent studies have shown that there is more social mobility in Britain than the US. It’s hard to accept that we have become a stratified society every bit as “aristocratic” as the “old country” was. Europe is progressing and evolving while the US is caught in a period of stasis.

By: Kryten42 https://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/comment-page-1/#comment-34535 Tue, 26 Feb 2008 13:09:05 +0000 http://whynow.dumka.us/2008/02/24/temple-to-the-cult-of-the-shrubbery/#comment-34535 Too true! It’s also what a nation gets when said Nation allows their Wealthy Elites to inbreed for generations. 🙂 But, of course, genetics (like global warming) is for the plebeians, and has no bearing whatsoever on said Wealthy Elites, who are, of course, of such superior stock, that they have no choice BUT to inbreed! Heaven forbid the merest hint of a suggestion that such superior blood lines should be contaminated by common blood! Of course, it goes without saying that the many illegitimate bastards (using the original meaning of the word and not the modern vernacular) bred out of the purity and sanctity of wedlock, do not count. Once again, those rules only apply to the commoners. After all, the two most prized mottoes of the Wealthy Elites are: “Rules are for everyone else”, and “Do as I say, not as I do”. 😉 LOL

Isn’t it wonderful how simple it is for humans to rationalize any and all words, thoughts and deeds? Unless one has any true morals or sense of ethics or honor, of course. 🙂

I learned long ago Bryan that when the future looks very bleak, and all hope seems to be draining rapidly away, the one thing to keep a hold of is a good sense of humor! I also learned the value of laughing at myself, and have done many times. Especially in recent years. 🙂
