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Just A Thought — Why Now?
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Just A Thought

If we had Medicare for all, Americans would be more likely to go to a doctor for flu systems symptoms, rather than just hoping they don’t get sick. The Mexican swine flu outbreak wouldn’t be as big a concern if all Americans had access to health care.

[Editors: Right spelling, wrong word. That’s why spell checkers don’t always help.]


1 hipparchia { 04.27.09 at 11:23 pm }

yep, never trust your spellchecker.

hipparchia´s last blog post..Send faxes, faxes, and money! [update]

2 Bryan { 04.28.09 at 12:19 am }

I could have just changed it, but I decided to leave it as a reminder to read more carefully in the future. I’m not a good editor of my own work, because I know what I wanted to say and assume that’s what came out.

3 hipparchia { 04.28.09 at 12:26 am }

most of us are bad editors of our own riting, for that vry reason.

i just linked because i’ve always liked that one [several folks have emailed it to me over the years].

hipparchia´s last blog post..Send faxes, faxes, and money! [update]

4 Kryten42 { 04.28.09 at 2:48 am }

Ahh! That’s why you need a grammar checker! 😀 😉

I use This one.

It’s commercial, but works with any editor and has a thesaurus and a lot of Word lists, even esoteric ones! 😀 😉

5 andante { 04.28.09 at 5:46 am }

Seems I can’t type, spell, or check these days.

As to the point on Medicare for all/single payer –


Just another excellent point in favor. It’s hard to see how anyone can dispute it, but if it doesn’t make someone rich , there will always be morons against it.

6 Bryan { 04.28.09 at 3:23 pm }

The powers that be are determined to include the insurance companies – the people responsible for the out of control costs.

7 Badtux { 04.28.09 at 5:27 pm }

A nit to pick: Harry Potter has a spell checker. The rest of us have spelling checkers :-).

— Badtux the Nitpicky Penguin

Badtux´s last blog post..Well, well…

8 Steve Bates { 04.28.09 at 7:23 pm }

Hmph. When your Patronus is as big as Harry’s (ahem), you hardly need a checker. And in the more mundane world we inhabit, I’ve never heard “spelling checker” used even one time.

Steve Bates´s last blog post..Guaranteed To Engender Mixed Feelings

9 Bryan { 04.28.09 at 7:55 pm }

Good luck on your crusade, Badtux, but it will be no more successful that mine to convince people that “data” is plural.

“Spell Check” goes back to the SpellStar program, part of the WordStar suite, on CP/M machines in the last century.

Everyone should have at least one windmill to call their own.

10 Kryten42 { 04.28.09 at 8:02 pm }

That’s true Bryan! ‘datum’ is singular. Ahhh… The amazing things one learns in Intel training! 😆

I still have a the full WordStar suite, on 8″ floppies! WordStar, CalcStar and a couple others I forget. I used to sell them here, and they just shipped a master set and I had to make copies to sell. Was cheaper and faster than shipping from the USA. I think I may have a 5.25″ set too.

11 Bryan { 04.28.09 at 10:25 pm }

My Mother still uses WordStar on her machine which she refuses to allow me to upgrade.

There was DataStar and MailMerge. MailMerge was the reason my clients used it, as well as the better printing results on the Diable 630 printers.

12 Kryten42 { 04.28.09 at 10:32 pm }

Ahh! Yep! That’s right. 😀 I remembered DataStar after I posted the above, but forgot MailMerge. 🙂

And yeah, I remember the Diablo Daisywheel printers. I think we sold one with every copy of WordStar! Was so easy to make money in those days. 😉