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The Current Leadship — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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The Current Leadship

funny pictures of cats with captions

Don’t get mad, get even.


1 Steve Bates { 11.10.09 at 3:56 am }

It won’t let me say anything as short as “ROTFT,” but that’s what I wanted to say:


This may be the first time anyone (anything) has ever told me I was too short-winded.
.-= last blog ..Dear Representative Culberson: =-.

2 Bryan { 11.10.09 at 9:26 am }

That started, the “too short” thing, two upgrades ago and seems to be related to a PhP exploit that was being used that was corrupting the databases as well as being used for other nefarious schemes. It drives Hipparchia nuts because she loves “one-worders”, usually with a link.

3 Anya { 11.10.09 at 11:33 am }

Is that one cat, or two?


4 Bryan { 11.10.09 at 12:18 pm }

One female juvenile who hasn’t lost the plasticity of kittenhood quite yet.

5 hipparchia { 11.10.09 at 8:57 pm }


grrrrrr. grrrrrr. grrrrrr. grrrrrr. grrrrrr. grrrrrr. grrrrrr. grrrrrr.

6 Bryan { 11.10.09 at 9:30 pm }

meow, meow,meow, meow

meow, meow?

7 hipparchia { 11.11.09 at 12:36 am }

[the one-word prohibition]

8 Bryan { 11.11.09 at 9:12 am }

[I know 😉 ]