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Libyan flag Old Libyan flag

The CBC reports on the latest from the Berlin bunker the Libyan capital: Gadhafi defiant as rebels seize city

Moammar Gadhafi remained defiant Sunday, blaming outside forces for the uprising in Libya and promising to crush the opposition, Reuters is reporting.

Gadhafi told Serbian television in a phone interview that sanctions imposed by the United Nations Security Council won’t work.

In Tripoli, the capital, where Gadhafi is still in control, state banks began handing out the equivalent of $400 US in a bid to shore up public loyalty.

Gadhafi also said the opposition against him is small.

Reports on the ground painted a different picture, however. Forces opposed to Gadhafi have seized control of the key city of Zawiya, only 50 kilometres from Tripoli, the capital.

The flags are the official flag of Libya, which is now the flag of Tripoli, and the pre-Gadhafi flag of the Kingdom of Libya, which is the flag of choice for everyone outside of Tripoli.


1 Badtux { 02.28.11 at 2:27 am }

Phnom Penh in 1975. With Gadhaffi playing the role of Lon Nol who controls nothing of Cambodia except the capital city, everything else is in the hands of the rebels. The only thing it lacks is Gadhaffi having a priest sprinkle magic dust at the city limits to keep the attackers away. Well, that and the Khmer Rouge, thankfully.

– Badtux the History Penguin

2 Bryan { 02.28.11 at 8:15 am }

He had banks sprinkling money, and that’s fairly close. 😉