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Another Newt Screw-up — Why Now?
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Another Newt Screw-up

So Newt Gringrich is running on getting more manufacturing back in the USA, but that apparently hasn’t ‘trickled down’ to his campaign staff as as his campaign t-shirts are made in El Salvador.

If you want t-shirts made in the USA by union workers, you need to buy from liberal groups, like 2L4O [Too Liberal/Left For Obama]. If he asked nicely, I’m sure a liberal would tell him where to buy US made t-shirts.

It’s isn’t my fault that the manufacturer will probably want the money in advance from a Republican.


1 Badtux { 07.28.11 at 10:51 pm }

Even my Jeep club knows how to buy American-made t-shirts. But then, we drive a vehicle made in Cleveland, Ohio. With a transmission, ignition system, and fuel injection system made in Germany. SIIIIIIIIiigh!

— Badtux the American Penguin

2 Bryan { 07.28.11 at 11:04 pm }

My Honda is assembled in the Midwest, because everyone but the American car companies seems to be able to make a profit building cars in the US.

It’s not like there are no slave-labor sweatshops in LA and NYC.

Ten years ago they were making t-shirts in the county to the West of me, but that all closed down, with the equipment shipped to Central America.