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W3 is 25 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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W3 is 25

It’s the 25th anniversary of the public posting of first page on the World Wide Web. As can be seen in the official recreation of that page, there was an obvious lack of cat pictures so growth was extremely slow.


1 hipparchia { 08.23.16 at 8:49 pm }

there was an obvious lack of cat pictures so growth was extremely slow.


there are times when I’m surfing the web and all this STUFF gets in the way and I kinda sorta wish we could just all go back to the bbs days. then I see another cute cat picture . . . .

2 Bryan { 08.23.16 at 9:04 pm }

I was somewhat in awe of the people who figured out how to do ascii art. You couldn’t have a computer shop without a Snoopy calendar printed out on a line printer.