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Advocacy Advertising — Why Now?
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Advocacy Advertising

A second panblogic1 theme today is the refusal by CBS, among others, to air an advertisement by the United Church of Christ because it is purportedly in conflict with the intention of some people to pass a Constitutional amendment banning people of the same sex from having and enjoying the benefits of partnership agreements.

Aside: Why is it whenever politicians want to limit somebody’s rights, they claim they are protecting children and/or families? Unless politicians have found another way of doing it, every human being was at some point a child, and every human being is the member of a family. That’s the way it works.

I was drawn specifically to the thinking of John McKay at archy, probably because we are both old enough to remember when CBS was worth watching.

CBS was for years the number one network for broadcast journalism with people like: Edward R. Murrow, Eric Sevaried, Charles Collingwood, Howard K. Smith, Daniel Schorr, and Walter Cronkite. Most of the news features that you see today were first created on CBS, and some of those represent the best of American television. They have sold out and that fall certainly qualifies as a tragedy based on the heights they once occupied.

[1] Pan-blog-ic (pan bloj ik) adjective – prevalent throughout the blogging community. [I coined the word in the “Words” entry just below.]