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Cats Blogging — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Cats Blogging

Come on, get off your tired butt and get up here!

I don’t think he’s going to like this, and I don’t see why you need me.

Look, he’s busy with something outside and I want to finish before he gets back. I need you to control the black rat.

Mouse, he calls it a mouse.

I know about mice. I have chased mice all my life. I have eaten mice. That is not a mouse!

The only mouse you ever ate was that one Granny hauled in after we refused to go near the dove Mom caught, and you didn’t even eat as much as I did.

No one has ever eaten as much as you do! Now let’s get going!

Okay, okay…no need to get excited…geesh. What are we doing?

We are catblogging.


It’s traditional. We are cats. This is a blog. Ergo, there must be catblogging.

Where did you learn about this? I don’t remember Mom or Granny talking about catblogging. Actually, I don’t remember Granny talk about anything that didn’t involve disemboweling. Granny really liked blood and guts.

You’re a tom, you don’t think they’d talk about important things with you. There’s only one thing toms think about, and you were tutored before that became a problem.

Let’s not get into that. That hurt. Nobody said education was going to be that painful.

Stop complaining and get up here so we can blog.

Ooof…Ouch! It’s a lot easier when he’s here to keep the chair from spinning…Okay, now what?

We go out to Giggle…urr…Google and put in cat and blog…Okay, now hit the button…the other button you idiot!

No need to shout. This rat is slippery and you didn’t say which button. It’s not like there’s an ickron…uhm…symbol saying this is the button.

Bring the arrow down and hit the button on the first one, if it isn’t too difficult…hmm…try the next one…next…next. Hey, they don’t let the cats say anything, it’s just pictures, and some of them aren’t even cats, that one looked like a weasel. What’s with all of the basset hounds?

Continue…what’s this? It’s a Labrador and he’s blogging and sounds like a Republican! We should sue for misrepresentation.

I don’t think it’s nice to start frivolous law suits…I mean the courts have important things to do…

Keep it up, and I’ll tell him you’re a Republican.

Hey, that’s not something you should say, even joking. So now what do we do? You don’t think he’s going to start with the camera again? What a pain, you’re just getting to sleep and he blinds you with the flash.

He can’t do it. He needs the equipment you knocked off the desk two years ago, after the last bout with the camera…unless he’s planning to get another…uhh…scanner, that’s what you broke.

Well, he should have known better than to put it in the best sun in the room.

I had hopes of getting something organized, but we’ll have to wait until those other cats wake up to the possibilities. Let’s shut it down. Stop! What did you hit?

I don’t know. I wasn’t paying attention.

Oh, well, no harm done…probably. If there’s a problem, it’s your fault.

Hey, this was your idea. Why is it my fault?

Because you’re not the brightest light on the ferris wheel, and humans tend to excuse the mistakes of the stupid. Besides, I’ve already got him conditioned to think every disaster is your fault. Now hit the blue button on the box…