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A Small Suggestion — Why Now?
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A Small Suggestion

I had to pick up some things yesterday and noticed in several stores that they have started using “made for Muzak” versions of Christmas music rather than commercial versions.

I have no doubt that someone got a promotion for this cost-saving idea of avoiding royalties to recognizable artists, but if you are going to penny-pinch why not consider recordings from your local music programs. I’m sure that any small [tax deductible] donation would be appreciated by these under-funded efforts, the participants would be flattered by the exposure, the local community would laud the store’s civic-mindedness, and there might actually be some spirit injected into the effort.

I feel certain that there is a college fine arts program in the area that would be happy to use their facilities to generate the media necessary for the store’s equipment, as there is always a grad student lurking about who needs something to “plump up” their resumé. It could also provide another item for the impoverished music departments to hawk at their fund-raisers, a Christmas CD.