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The Deathstar — Why Now?
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The Deathstar

Apparently engrossed with his Star Wars missile defense system and his mission to the planets [AKA the undebated dollar dump to Tom Delay’s district], President Bush may be attempting to build a Deathstar orbiting satellite.

Of course no one will admit that’s what’s happening, not even Senator Rocketfeller, apparently having problems breathing inside the large black helmet he wore, who protested the inclusion of an obscenely expensive program that he couldn’t confirm was actually in the intelligence budget that may not exist, but if it does it’s classified.

There was a report from George Lucas’s junior assistant’s dog groomer that Mr. Lucas has been holding meetings with his intellectual property attorney about the government’s continuing unauthorized use of his trademarks which was giving a bad name to fictional evil geniuses.

Anonymous sources said that it might be an armed satellite intended to control neighboring space around the planet in violation of multiple international treaties, or seed money for a Bush project to balance the budget by assisting the relatives of deposed African leaders recover hidden assets.

Devolving . . .