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Kerik in Perspective — Why Now?
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Kerik in Perspective

I’m trying to understand how, when looking for someone to be the Secretary of Homeland Security – the people who determine who is qualified to enter the United States, who is qualified to ride on airplanes, and what primary colors to scare people with – this administration failed to conduct a background investigation on its nominee and blindly accepted what was on his resumé.

They offer up someone who was a “dead-beat dad”, embroiled in debt-problems which resulted in an arrest warrant being issued, is a high school drop-out, was involved in unauthorized redirection of government funds at the NYC agency he headed, was involved in a stock transaction that looks suspicious, hired undocumented aliens, and failed to pay taxes. That’s what has appeared in less than a week from public sources.

I wouldn’t have expected a complete background security check to have been completed in a week, but couldn’t they have at least tried a Google search before nominating the guy. People buying shotguns go through a more rigorous process than this.

Do you feel safer now, knowing this is the level of attention this administration pays to Homeland Security?