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Let Us Go a Caroling — Why Now?
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Let Us Go a Caroling

First let me say that I appreciate the thought. People taking time out of their limited store and devoting it to learning and practicing so that they can walk around town singing for those who can’t get around any more is really nice.

I know that a lot of work goes into something like this, and some people, like Andante, really worry that all of the vowels are fully formed and projected for a better performance than the intended audience can truly appreciate.

Further, I realize that people are doing it without the expectation of wassail [hot chocolate or sweet tea would be thoughtful] or alms, as was the custom in earlier times, they are simply trying to spread Christmas cheer for its own sake [or in local cases to fulfill community service hours].

I have one small quibble: please, either limit the number of carols so that everyone can remember the words, or use printed lyrics. I can assure you that I am unfamiliar with any carol with a second verse of “dah-di-dah-dahhh-dah-di-dah” [although Little Drummer Boy comes close]. Trust me on this: there are words and the people who remember the words generally do so by wasting no memory space on the music.