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From the Rest of the World — Why Now?
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From the Rest of the World

I pulled these from a scan of the other former British colonies spread about the world:

John Shovelan of Australian Broadcasting has an interesting take on those going to court over the US military’s use of “Stop-Loss” orders. He wonders: if soldiers with contractual terms of service must remain beyond those terms for the length of a declared national emergency, why can cabinet secretaries resign for “personal reasons”?

I would wonder about General Tommy Franks being able to retire, but a 70-year-old military doctor being recalled. It would seem that the commander of the effort wasn’t as important as doctors or truck drivers or infantry soldiers.

TV New Zealand reports that their parliament has approved a civil unions bill that recognizes both de facto and same sex relationships. Americans generally refer to de facto relationships as “common law marriages”. Such couples will have the same rights and obligations as married couples. Supporters say the bill is a human rights issue since it applies equally to both heterosexual and homosexual couples without discrimination. Marriage is reserved only for heterosexual couples.

Canadian Broadcasting is reporting the personally shocking news of a proposed merger between Molson and Coors! A real brewer aligning with that right-wing Rocky Mountain purveyor of watery equine urine…the inhumanity!