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Political Salvation — Why Now?
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Political Salvation

Well, now that we’ve decided that we invaded Iraq to promote democracy in the Middle East we are having a bit of a problem. The only political organization allowed under Saddam was the Ba’ath Party, and it is hardly likely that the US could throw its support behind it.

The other parties are ethnic in outlook or dominated by religious leaders. It looks like a truly fair election will result in a government that looks a lot like Iran with Shi’ia Imams in charge of everything. But there is an outside hope.

Since the downfall of Saddam another secular political party has come out of hiding. It has sponsored street demonstrations, understands campaigning, knows about using the media, and is preparing a slate of candidates. If they win, Iraq will have a secular democratic government ready to take its place on the world stage.

There’s a catch. You knew when you starting reading there was going to be a catch.

Okay, what could be worse than a Shi’ia theocracy, you ask? How about: The Communist Party of Iraq. Just what the neocons deserve: the oil fields nationalized and strong ties to China, Cuba, and North Korea.

The US is experiencing a tragic and expensive lesson in the meaning of blow back and unintended consequences. Unfortunately the recent election proves that too few citizens understand the lesson.