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ISP — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Beginning tomorrow I am migrating to a different Internet Service Provider. I’ve been through two buy-outs of this company over the decade and three of their moves, but a recent accounting foul up has pushed me to finally upgrade to DSL from the dial-up I’ve been using.

I have clients who have wanted me to do some things over the Internet that I have been able to avoid because of the dial-up connection, and now I must acquiesce.

There may be temporary broken links as I move graphics and such to a new homepage, and posting may be light next week, which shouldn’t affect those who celebrate Christmas, as you should be too busy to be reading blogs.

While I have planned the migration and given myself two weeks to complete an operation that shouldn’t take more than an hour, I will be dealing with Sprint and Earthlink, so I expect the worse. They have already rescheduled the installation once and it is now scheduled for the coldest Monday we are apt to see this year.

Given a temperature of 30°, a Monday, and Christmas week, I have scant optimism that my local telco will even be up to their usual marginally acceptable level of service.