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Alive on the Web — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Alive on the Web

Well, I’m now connected via DSL, but I can’t recommend it for people who don’t have some experience with computers and hardware.

I took the free do-it-yourself option and after fighting with the “helpful” set-up wizard for two-hours I uninstalled everything and called to get the modem settings and did it the “old fashioned” manual way in two minutes [after 37 minutes on hold].

The hardware was fine. I ran a new category 5 twisted pair cable from a dedicated outlet to Sprint’s box and avoided all of the filters they wanted to foist upon me. My category 3 telephone wire is fine for voice and if it isn’t broke I’m not going to fix it. I have a straight cable with no connections for data, which should be good for years.

The problem seemed to be the earthlink web site, which uses ActiveX controls that were recording information and then telling you that they were unable to complete the transaction. They require you to use Internet Explorer and to disable your firewall and virus software. Of course, when you try to re-enter the information, they say that your choices were already in use. When you change the choices, they came back and tell you that you are already registered under different choices.

Well, it’s done and the graphics have been moved successfully from my old site to the new one. Yes, things load much more quickly and that’s nice, but it was not something I want to do again anytime soon.