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Happy/Merry/Joyous Solstice — Why Now?
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Happy/Merry/Joyous Solstice

SnowflakeIt arrived at 6:42AM this morning, but it has warmed up. That is to fool suckers into uncovering plants and such just before the SNOW arrives on Friday!

You think the people in your area don’t know how to drive in snow, you should see the mayhem that occurs down here on the Redneck Riviera when the roads freeze. The bridges tend to have high humps to allow sailboats passage, so when that high bridge gets wet and freezes people are trying to drive up a sheet of ice. I can tell you that Billy Bob is not going to be gracious pulling your SUV out of the Bayou on Christmas morning.

I blame this on all of those people wishing for a “traditional” Christmas. Been there: Fairbanks and Shemya in Alaska, Omaha in Nebraska, Rochester, Utica, Hamilton in New York, Frankfurt in Germany, London in England. . .and I don’t need to do it again.

I think azaleas in bloom and camellias getting ready to burst are good at Christmas.