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Crime Around the World — Why Now?
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Crime Around the World

If you focus strictly on murder you are missing a lot of the world’s really interesting crime stories.

In New Zealand someone has stolen an aluminum bridge 30 meters [about 100 feet] long. The foot bridge that gave access through a wetlands in Waihola, New Zealand is assumed to have been stolen to be sold for its scrap metal value.

You have to wonder why no one noticed trucks hauling off a bridge.

There was a major bank robbery in Belfast, North Ireland. The Northern Bank was robbed by a gang that gained entry by kidnapping the families of two executives and forcing the executives to open the vault.

The gang stole £20 million [around $40 million], but there are problems. About £17 million is in the unique currency of Northern Ireland which is not used widely outside of that area, and £12 million of that is new, uncirculated, sequentially numbered notes. So they only actually have £3 million of readily convertible cash and everyone in Europe looking for large transactions.

It will make a nice movie when they get caught.

[edited for clarity]