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Bush’s Greetings to the Military — Why Now?
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Bush’s Greetings to the Military

George Bush, proving he is clueless, calls ten members of the military for Christmas. Knowing how limited long distance time is for troops that are deployed, I imagine the people waiting in line were thrilled that the network was taken up by Acme, Inc., instead of being available to contact family at Christmas.

In another move of startling stupidity, Bush dropped by the mess hall at Camp David to spread cheer to the Marines who are not home celebrating Christmas because Bush decided to go to the Marine base and Presidential retreat. If Bush had stayed in the White House or gone to Crawford to harass the Texas Department of Public Safety many of the Marines could have taken a Christmas leave instead of patrolling the perimeter.

Bush could make significant cuts in the Presidential budget by staying in the White House. We have spent an unconscionable amount of money for Bush to traipse all over the country with his security circus.