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Crime Rate — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Crime Rate

The M$M has been running stories about the declining number of murders in major cities. They are claiming that the decline is due to the hard-nosed policing pioneered in NYC under Mayor “Giggles” and his “no jaywalking” crusade.

Real slowly for the journalists: all reliable research shows that the crime rate is directly proportional the number of males between 15 and 45 in society. The crime rate has been going down since 1992 because the leading edge of the “Baby Boom” hit 46 in 1992. As the “Boomers” age the number of people available to commit crimes go down. Nothing else that has ever been done has shown anything more than a “noise-level” effect on the crime rate: not community policing, not longer sentences, not an armed citizenry, not get tough, not sentencing reforms, not the death penalty, not planting flowers, not et cetera . . . ad nauseam.

How many prisons are needed, how many cops are needed, how many courts are needed? How many males between 15 and 45 do you have? I’m sorry, but that’s all there is to it.