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Canadian Snickering? — Why Now?
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Canadian Snickering?

The CBC notes Tucker Carlson’s “retirement” from CNN. I was wondering why they would be interested until I got to the bottom of the article.

In November, Carlson also famously interviewed maverick Canadian MP Carolyn Parrish on fellow host Wolf Blitzer’s program Wolf Blitzer Reports.

Ostensibly a discussion of U.S.-Canadian relations, the segment digressed into a showcase for Carlson to outline his belief that Canadians spend a lot of time dogsledding.

“I don’t think every Canadian is dogsledding at all times but I do think there’s a lot of dogsledding in Canada,” he said after Parrish challenged him. “Yes, I do think that’s true.”

Congratulations, Tucker, you join Triumph the Insult Dog among a select group so obnoxious that they annoy Canadians.