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Don’t Loan Tools to Rumsfeld — Why Now?
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Don’t Loan Tools to Rumsfeld

I’m particular about the people I will loan my tools. There’s nothing worse than letting someone have a wrench that you inherited from your grandfather and have it returned bent. I only trust them to people who know how to use them properly.

According to this Reuters story the Reserve forces are in trouble.

The U.S. Army Reserve, tapped heavily to provide soldiers for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, is “degenerating into a ‘broken’ force” due to dysfunctional military policies, the Army Reserve’s chief said in a memo made public Wednesday.
“I do not wish to sound alarmist. I do wish to send a clear, distinctive signal of deepening concern,” Lt. Gen. James Helmly said in a Dec. 20 memo to Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Schoomaker.

You go to war with the army you have and then you grind it to dust. Nice going Rummy.