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Puffed Rice — Why Now?
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Puffed Rice

Dr. Rice is under the impression that her “life story” is absolute protection against anyone noticing that she lies and wasn’t up to the job of National Security Advisor. She seems to believe that her climb from a middle-class childhood in the South to being a member of one of the most incompetent administrations in the nation’s history excuses her failures before and after September 11th.

Oh, you say, you didn’t know her family was middle-class, you assumed she was born poor, perhaps in a sharecropper’s shack, well, that’s what you are supposed to believe. It’s not much of a story if you know about her liberal parents, both college professors. Her father, Dr. John Wesley Rice, was Vice Chancellor at the University of Denver when she received her bachelor’s degree from the institution.

She is intellectually gifted, so her lies are not the result of stupidity, but, more probably, of cupidity.